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Fantasy X-tensions Magic Pleasure Sleeve Black

ITEM: 51081
UPC: 603912345926
MFG: PD4135-23
FIRST RECEIVED: Sep 29, 2014
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    From the second you slip inside this 5.5 in. enhancement sleeve, youft.ll understand why itft.s called the Magic Pleasure Sleeve. This super-stretchy girth gainer is lined with hundreds of tiny ticklers on the outside, delivering thrilling sensations and satisfying thickness to your partner. The open-ended head allows you to feel every sensation and still enjoy the natural touch of your lover. Turn the sleeve inside out and use it as an incredible solo stroker. Trim the sleeve for a perfect fit. Includes lube and toy cleaner. Measures 5.5 in. by 1.8 in., 1.25 in. inner diameter.
    • Type: Boxed
    • Package Weight: 0.24
    • Package Length: 8.50
    • Package Width: 3.00
    • Package Height: 2.00
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