Dropshipping simplifies shipping and stocking for your online store. By signing up for Nalpac fulfillment services, you can stock any item in our inventory, and we’ll ship it directly to your customer, complete with customized packing slips with your name and logo. No need to warehouse hundreds of items, no need to visit the post office. Our warehouse is your warehouse.
All Nalpac customers, including brick-and-mortar retailers, webstores, Amazon and eBaysellers, and home party planners, are eligible to save time and space with our dropshipping services. All Nalpac fulfillment accounts have a dedicated salesrep as well as a team of customerservice reps available to help at any time.
Connect orders, product data, and inventory
- Dropshipping is simple with our customer portal. Use it to upload customer orders, view invoices, manage tracking, and create custom catalogs.
- Nalpac’s data feed allows up-to-date access to Nalpac inventory, MAP and MSRP pricing, item dimensions, and product images.
- Dropshipping customers are also able to integrate with Nalpac’s API, syncing your website’s inventory with Nalpac’s for seamless stocking and order fulfillment.
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